Gonzalo Nieto Feliner

Profesor de Investigación
Especialidad: Filogenia y filogeografía de angiospermas. Hibridación natural y sus efectos en Evolución.
Perfil profesional

I enjoy plant biodiversity in all its forms. But to make sense of our narrow-scaled flat-vision, thus to try to better understand it, I’ve always searched back into their history. My research aims to throw light on plant diversity ―its patterns and processes― from the genetic level to the processes level.

My scientific interests have gradually expanded over the years, and partially shifted, from understanding current patterns of diversity to inferring evolutionary processes responsible for those patterns.

Within the former, I have undertaken systematic and phylogenetic studies of angiosperm genera such as Armeria, Arenaria, Erysimum, Daphne, Epilobium, and contributed to the Flora Iberica project for c. 15 years.

Among the processes influencing or driving diversity, I am most interested in natural hybridization and introgression ―mostly at the homoploid level but also when associated to polyploidy― because, despite their realized frequency in the living world, their effects are still poorly understood. I am also interested in the pathways along which diversity has been generated across time and space, which I have reconstructed using phylogenetic and phylogeographic methods complemented with environmental niche modeling.

I normally use a variety of types of data from morphological evidence and Sanger sequences to genomics. Since I focus on non-model organisms, the genomic approaches I have used are those not needing close genomic resources (e.g., GBS)

Artículos científicos
2024Valdés-Florido, A., González-Toral, C., Maguilla, E., Cires, E., Díaz-Lifante, Z., Andrés-Camacho, C., Nieto Feliner, G., Arroyo, J., Escudero, M. (2024). Polyploidy and hybridization in the Mediterranean: unravelling the evolutionary history of Centaurium (Gentianaceae). Annals of Botany 134(2):247-262. Open Access
2024Jiménez-Mejías, P., Manzano, S., Gowda, V., Krell, F.T., Lin, M.Y., Martín-Bravo, S., Martín-Torrijos, L., Nieto Feliner, G., Mosyakin, S.L., Naczi, R.F.C., Acedo, C., Álvarez, I., Crisci, J.V., Luceño Garcés, M., Manning, J., Moreno Saiz, J.C., Muasya, A.M., Riina, R., Sánchez Meseguer, A., Sánchez-Mata, D. and 1543 additional coauthors (2024). Protecting stable biological nomenclatural systems enables universal communication: A collective international appeal. BioScience [in press]. Open Access
2024Pugnaire, F.I., Arista, M., Carrión, J.S., Devesa, J.A., Herrera, C.M., Nieto Feliner, G., Rey, P.J., Alonso, C. (2024). Origin and challenges of plant diversity in the Betic ranges, a global biodiversity hotspot; [Origen y retos actuales de la diversidad vegetal en las sierras Béticas, un área de diversidad de importancia global]. Ecosistemas 33(1):2676. Open Access
2023Nieto Feliner, G., Criado Ruiz, D., Álvarez, I., Villa-Machío, I. (2023). The puzzle of plant hybridisation: a high propensity to hybridise but few hybrid zones reported. Heredity 131:307-315. Open Access
2024Villa-Machío, I., Heuertz, M., Álvarez, I., Nieto Feliner, G. (2024). Demography-driven and adaptive introgression in a hybrid zone of the Armeria syngameon. Molecular Ecology [in press]. Open Access
2023Nieto Feliner, G., Cellinese, N., Crowl, A.A., Frajman, B. (2023). Editorial: Understanding plant diversity and evolution in the Mediterranean Basin. Frontiers in Plant Science 14:1152340. Open Access
2022Baumel, A., Nieto Feliner, G., Médail, F., La Malfa, S., Di Guardo, M., Bou Dagher Kharrat, M., Lakhal-Mirleau, F., Frelon, V., Ouahmane, L., Diadema, K., Sanguin, H., Viruel, J. (2022). Genome-wide footprints in the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) unveil a new domestication pattern of a fruit tree in the Mediterranean. Molecular Ecology 31(15):4095-4111. Open Access
2021Cerón-Souza, I., Barreto M.B., Barreto-Pittol E., Silva, A., Nieto Feliner, G., Medina, E. (2021). Rhizophora zonation, salinity, and nutrients in the western atlantic. Biotropica 53(2):384-396. DOI
2021Criado Ruiz, D., Villa Machío, I., Herrero Nieto, A., Nieto Feliner, G. (2021). Hybridization and cryptic speciation in the Iberian endemic plant genus Phalacrocarpum (Asteraceae-Anthemideae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 156:107024. DOI
2021Maravilla, A.J., Rosato, M., Álvarez, I., Nieto Feliner, G., Rosselló, J.A. (2021). Interstitial Arabidopsis-type telomeric repeats in asteraceae. Plants 10(12):2794. Open Access
2021Nieto Feliner, G. (2021). International Botanical Congress News. Taxon 70(4):913. Open Access
2021Shamsabad, M.M., Moharrek, F., Assadi, M., Nieto Feliner, G. (2021). Biogeographic history and diversification patterns in the Irano-Turanian genus Acanthophyllum s.l. (Caryophyllaceae). Plant Biosystems 155(3):425-435. DOI
2020Escudero, M., Nieto Feliner, G., Pokorny, L., Spalink, D., Viruel, J. (2020). Editorial: Phylogenomic Approaches to Deal With Particularly Challenging Plant Lineages. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:591762. Open Access
2020Nieto Feliner, G., Casacuberta, J., Wendel, J.F. (2020). Genomics of Evolutionary Novelty in Hybrids and Polyploids. Frontiers in Genetics 11:792. Open Access
2020Villa-Machío, I., Fernández de Castro, A.G., Fuertes-Aguilar, J., Nieto Feliner, G. (2020). Colonization history of the Canary Islands endemic Lavatera acerifolia, (Malvaceae) unveiled with genotyping-by-sequencing data and niche modelling. Journal of Biogeography 47(4):993-1005. DOI
2020Viruel, J., Le Galliot, N., Pironon, S., Nieto Feliner, G., Suc, J.-P., Lakhal-Mirleau, F., Juin, M., Selva, M., Bou Dagher Kharrat, M., Ouahmane, L., La Malfa, S., Diadema, K., Sanguin, H., Médail, F., Baumel, A. (2020). A strong east-west Mediterranean divergence supports a new phylogeographic history of the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua, Leguminosae) and multiple domestications from native populations. Journal of Biogeography 47(2):460-471. DOI
2020Vitales, D., Álvarez, I., Garcia, S., Hidalgo, O., Nieto Feliner, G., Pellicer, J., Vallès, J., Garnatje, T. (2020). Genome size variation at constant chromosome number is not correlated with repetitive DNA dynamism in Anacyclus (Asteraceae). Annals of Botany 125(4):611-623. DOI
2019Moharrek, F., Sanmartin, I., Kazempour-Osaloo, S., Nieto Feliner, G. (2019). Morphological Innovations and Vast Extensions of Mountain Habitats Triggered Rapid Diversification Within the Species-Rich Irano-Turanian Genus Acantholimon (Plumbaginaceae). Frontiers in Genetics 9:698. Open Access
2019Nieto Feliner, G., Rosato, M., Alegre, G., San Segundo, P., Rosselló, J.A., Garnatje, T., Garcia, S. (2019). Dissimilar molecular and morphological patterns in an introgressed peripheral population of a sand dune species (Armeria pungens, Plumbaginaceae). Plant Biology 21(6):1072-1082. DOI
2018Rosato, M., Álvarez, I., Nieto Feliner, G., Rosselló, J.A. (2018). Inter-and intraspecific hypervariability in interstitial telomeric-like repeats (TTTAGGG) n in Anacyclus (Asteraceae). Annals of Botany 122(3):387-395. Open Access
2018Villa-Machío, I., Fernández de Castro, A.G., Fuertes-Aguilar, J., Nieto Feliner, G. (2018). Out of North Africa by different routes: phylogeography and species distribution model of the western Mediterranean Lavatera maritima (Malvaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 187(3):441-455. DOI
2018Viruel, J., Haguenauer, A., Juin, M., Mirleau, F., Bouteiller, D., Boudagher-Kharrat, M., Ouahmane, L., La Malfa, S., Médail, F., Sanguin, H., Nieto Feliner, G., Baumel, A. (2018). Advances in genotyping microsatellite markers through sequencing and consequences of scoring methods for Ceratonia siliqua (Leguminosae). Applications in Plant Sciences 6(12):e01201. Open Access
2018Vitales, D., Nieto Feliner, G., Vallès, J., Garnatje, T., Firat, M., Álvarez, I. (2018). A new circumscription of the Mediterranean genus Anacyclus (Anthemideae, Asteraceae) based on plastid and nuclear DNA markers. Phytotaxa 349(1):1-17. DOI
2017Marques, I., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Martins-Louçao, M.A., Moharrek, F., Nieto Feliner, G. (2017). A three-genome five-gene comprehensive phylogeny of the bulbous genus Narcissus (Amaryllidaceae) challenges current classifications and reveals multiple hybridization events. Taxon 66(4):832-854. DOI
2017Moharrek, F., Kazempour-Osaloo, S., Assadi, M., Nieto Feliner, G. (2017). Molecular phylogenetic evidence for a wide circumscription of a characteristic Irano-Turanian element: Acantholimon (Plumbaginaceae-Limonioideae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 184(3): 366-386. DOI
2017Nieto Feliner G., Álvarez I., Fuertes-Aguilar J., Heuertz M., Marques I., Moharrek F., Piñeiro R., Riina R., Rosselló J.A., Soltis P.S., Villa-Machío I. (2017). Is homoploid hybrid speciation that rare? An empiricist's view. Heredity 118:513-516. DOI
2017Rosato, M., Álvarez, I., Nieto Feliner, G., Rosselló, J.A. (2017). High and uneven levels of 45S rDNA site-number variation across wild populations of a diploid plant genus (Anacyclus, Asteraceae). PLoS ONE 12(10):e0187131. Open Access
2016Marques, I., Jürgens, A., Fuertes Aguilar,J., Nieto Feliner, G. (2016). Convergent recruitment of new pollinators is triggered by independent hybridization events in Narcissus. New Phytologist 210(2):731-742. DOI
2014Cerón-Souza, I., Turner, B.L., Winter, K., Medina, E., Bermingham, E., Nieto Feliner, G. (2014). Reproductive phenology and physiological traits in the red mangrove hybrid complex (Rhizophora mangle and R. racemosa) across a natural gradient of nutrients and salinity. Plant Ecology 215(5):481-493. DOI
2014Nieto Feliner, G. (2014). Patterns and processes in plant phylogeography in the Mediterranean Basin. A review. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 16(5):265-278. DOI
2013García-Fernández, A., Iriondo, J.M., Escudero, A., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Nieto Feliner, G. (2013). Genetic patterns of habitat fragmentation and past climate-change effects in the Mediterranean high-mountain plant Armeria caespitosa (Plumbaginaceae). American Journal of Botany 100:1641-1650. DOI
2012Marques, I., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Martins-Loução, M.A., Nieto Feliner, G. (2012). Spatial-temporal patterns of flowering asynchrony and pollinator fidelity in hybridizing species of Narcissus. Evolutionary Ecology 26:1433-1450. DOI
2012Marques, I., Nieto Feliner, G., Martins-Loução, M.A., Fuertes Aguilar, J. (2012). Genome size and base composition variation in natural and experimental Narcissus (Amaryllidaceae) hybrids. Annals of Botany 109:257-264. DOI
2011Fuertes Aguilar, J., Gutiérrez Larena, B., Nieto Feliner, G. (2011). Genetic and morphological diversity in Armeria (Plumbaginaceae) is shaped by glacial cycles in Mediterranean refugia. Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid 68:175-197. Open Access
2011Nieto Feliner, G. (2011). Southern European glacial refugia: A tale of tales. Taxon 60:365-372. DOI
2011Marques, I., Nieto Feliner, G., Martins-Loução, M.A., Fuertes Aguilar, J. (2011). Fitness in Narcissus hybrids: Low fertility is overcome by early hybrid vigour, absence of exogenous selection and high bulb propagation. Journal of Ecology 99:1508-1519. DOI
2011Piñeiro, R., Widmer, A., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Nieto Feliner, G. (2011). Introgression in peripheral populations and colonization shape the genetic structure of the coastal shrub Armeria pungens. Heredity 106:228-240. DOI
2010Nieto Feliner, G., Aedo, C., Muñoz Garmendia, F. (2010). In memoriam: Santiago Castroviejo Bolibar (1946-2009). Taxon 59(1):314-316. DOI
2010Marques, I., Nieto Feliner, G., Draper Munt, D., Martins-Loução, M.A., Fuertes Aguilar, J. (2010). Unraveling cryptic reticulate relationships and the origin of orphan hybrid disjunct populations in narcissus. Evolution 64:2353-2368. DOI
2009Escobar García, P., Schönswetter, P., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Nieto Feliner, G., Schneeweiss, G.M. (2009). Five molecular markers reveal extensive morphological homoplasy and reticulate evolution in the Malva alliance (Malvaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 50(2):226-239. DOI
2009Piñeiro, R., Costa, A., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Nieto Feliner, G. (2009). Overcoming paralogy and incomplete lineage sorting to detect a phylogeographic signal: A GapC study of Armeria pungens. Botany 87(2):164-177. DOI
2009Piñeiro, R., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Meneze de Sequeira, M., Nieto Feliner, G. (2009). Low genetic diversity in the rare madeiran endemic Armeria maderensis (Plumbaginaceae). Folia Geobotanica 44(1):65-81. Open Access
2008Álvarez, I., Costa, A., Nieto Feliner, G. (2008). Selecting single-copy nuclear genes for plant phylogenetics: A preliminary analysis for the senecioneae (Asteraceae). Journal of Molecular Evolution 66(3):276-291. Open Access
2008Ronikier, M., Costa, A., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Nieto Feliner, G., Küpfer, P., Mirek, Z. (2008). Phylogeography of Pulsatilla vernalis (L.) Mill. (Ranunculaceae): Chloroplast DNA reveals two evolutionary lineages across central Europe and Scandinavia. Journal of Biogeography 35(9):1650-1664. DOI
2007Nieto Feliner, G., Rosselló, J.A. (2007). Better the devil you know? Guidelines for insightful utilization of nrDNA ITS in species-level evolutionary studies in plants. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44(2):911-919. Open Access
2007Piñeiro, R., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Munt, D.D., Nieto Feliner, G. (2007). Ecology matters: Atlantic-Mediterranean disjunction in the sand-dune shrub Armeria pungens (Plumbaginaceae). Molecular Ecology 16(10):2155-2171. DOI
2006Gutiérrez, Larena, B., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Nieto Feliner, G. (2006). Dispersal across southern Iberian refugia? Integrating RAPDs, sequence data and morphometrics in Armeria (Plumbaginaceae). Folia Geobotanica 41(3):305-322. DOI
2006Nieto Feliner, G., Marhold, K. (2006). IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 1. Taxon 55(2):443-445. DOI
2006Valcárcel, V., Vargas, P., Nieto Feliner, G. (2006). Phylogenetic and phylogeographic analysis of the western Mediterranean Arenaria section Plinthine (Caryophyllaceae) based on nuclear, plastid, and morphological markers. Taxon 55(2):297-312. Open Access
2005Albaladejo, R.G., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Aparicio, A., Nieto Feliner, G. (2005). Contrasting nuclear-plastidial phylogenetic patterns in the recently diverged Iberian Phlomis crinita and P. lychnitis lineages (Lamiaceae). Taxon 54(4):987-998. Open Access
2005Nieto Feliner, G., Catalán, P., Güemes, J., Rosselló, J.A. (2005). IOPB symposium: Plant evolution in Mediterranean climate zones. Taxon 54(4):859-860. Open Access
2004Gutiérrez Larena, B., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Nieto Feliner, G. (2004). Morphometric and molecular evidence for taxonomic recognition of a new subspecies of Armeria filicaulis (Plumbaginaceae). Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid 61(1):35-48. Open Access
2004Lihová, J., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Marhold, K., Nieto Feliner, G. (2004). Origin of the disjunct tetraploid Cardamine amporitana (Brassicaceae) assessed with nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequence data. American Journal of Botany 91(8):1231-1242. Open Access
2004Nieto Feliner, G., Gutiérrez, Larena, B., Fuertes Aguilar, J. (2004). Fine-scale geographical structure, intra-individual polymorphism and recombination in nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacers in Armeria (Plumbaginaceae). Annals of Botany 93(2):189-200. Open Access
2003Fuertes Aguilar, J., Nieto Feliner, G. (2003). Additive polymorphisms and reticulation in an ITS phylogeny of thrifts (Armeria, Plumbaginaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 28(3):430-447. DOI
2002Gutiérrez, Larena, B., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Nieto Feliner, G. (2002). Glacial-induced altitudinal migrations in Armeria (Plumbaginaceae) inferred from patterns of chloroplast DNA haplotype sharing. Molecular Ecology 11(10):1965-1974. DOI
2001Álvarez Fernández, I., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Panero, J.L., Nieto Feliner, G. (2001). A phylogenetic analysis of Doronicum (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) based on morphological, nuclear ribosomal (ITS), and chloroplast (trnL-F) evidence. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 20(1):41-64. Open Access
2001Álvarez, Fernández, I., Nieto Feliner, G. (2001). A multivariate approach to assess the taxonomic utility of morphometric characters in Doronicum (Asteraceae, Senecioneae). Folia Geobotanica 36(4):423-444. DOI
2001Nieto Feliner, G, Fuertes Aguilar, J., Rosselló, J.A. (2001). A new species of Armeria (Plumbaginaceae) from southern Spain with molecular and morphometric evidence on its origin. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 135(1):71-84. Open Access
2001Nieto Feliner, G. (2001). (1483) Proposal to conserve the name Eryngium bourgatii against E. pallescens (Apiaceae). Taxon 50(2):585-586. DOI
2001Nieto Feliner, G., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Rosselló, J.A. (2001). Can extensive reticulation and concerted evolution result in a cladistically structured molecular data set?. Cladistics 17(4):301-312. Open Access
2000Álvarez Fernández, I., Nieto Feliner, G. (2000). A new species of Doronicum (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) from central China. Annales Botanici Fennici 37(4):249-253. Open Access
1999Álvarez Fernández, I., Nieto Feliner, G. (1999). Lectotypification of 16 species names in Doronicum (Asteraceae, Senecioneae). Taxon 48(4):801-806. DOI
1999Fuertes Aguilar, J., Rosselló, J.A., Nieto Feliner, G. (1999). Nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) concerted evolution in natural and artificial hybrids of Armeria (Plumbaginaceae). Molecular Ecology 8(8):1341-1346. DOI
1999Fuertes Aguilar, J., Rosselló, J.A., Nieto Feliner, G. (1999). Molecular evidence for the compilospecies model of reticulate evolution in Armeria (Plumbaginaceae). Systematic Biology 48(4):735-754. Open Access
1998Nieto Feliner, G., Fuertes Aguilar, J., Ritchie, M.G., Barton, N.H. (1998). Hybirds and hybird zones [3] (multiple letters). Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13(7):282-283. DOI
1997Álvarez Fernández, I., Nieto Feliner, G. (1997). On the lectotypification of Doronicum carpetanum (Compositae). Taxon 46(4):763-764. DOI
1997Nieto Feliner, G. (1997). Natural and experimental hybridization in Armeria (Plumbaginaceae): Armeria salmantica. International Journal of Plant Sciences 158(5):585-592. DOI
1996Nieto Feliner, G. (1996). Growth-form and intraspecific taxonomy in western mediterranean daphne (Thymelaeaceae). Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 44(4):369-379. DOI
1996Nieto Feliner, G., Gonzalez, G.L. (1996). (1271) Proposal to reject the name Statice juniperifolia (Plumbaginaceae). Taxon 45(4):709-710. DOI
1996Vargas, P., Nieto Feliner, G. (1996). Artificial hybridization within saxifraga pentadactylis (Saxifragaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 16(3):257-266. DOI
1995Nieto Feliner, G., Aedo, C. (1995). A cladistic analysis of Geranium subgen. Erodioidea (Picard) Yeo (Geraniaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 119(3):195-212. DOI
1995Vargas, P., Nieto Feliner, G. (1995). Cytotaxonomical study of Saxifraga series Ceratophyllae s.l. (Saxifragaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 197(1-4):209-223. DOI
1992Nieto Feliner, G. (1992). Multivariate and cladistic analyses of the purple-flowered species of Erysimum (Cruciferae) from the Iberian Peninsula. Plant Systematics and Evolution 180(1-2):15-28. DOI
1991Nieto Feliner, G. (1991). Breeding systems and related floral traits in several Erysimum (Cruciferae). Canadian Journal of Botany 69(11):2515-2521. DOI
1988Favarger, C., Nieto Feliner, G. (1988). On the races of Arenaria tetraquetra L. (Caryophyllaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 97(1):1-8. DOI
2009Nieto Feliner, G. (2009). In memoriam, Santiago Castroviejo Bolibar (1946-2009). ARBOR Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura CLXXXV 740: VII-XI . Open Access
2002Nieto Feliner, G., J. Fuertes Aguilar, J., Rosselló, J.A. (2002). Reticulation or divergence: the origin of a rare serpentine endemic assessed with chloroplast, nuclear and RAPD markers. Plant Systematics and Evolution 231:19-38. DOI
1996Nieto Feliner, G., Izuzquiza, A., Lansac, A.R. (1996). Natural and experimental hybridization in Armeria (Plumbaginaceae): A. villosa subsp. carratracensis. Plant Systematics and Evolution 201:163-177. DOI
1994Nieto Feliner, G. (1994). Growth-form and taxonomy in Arenaria sect. Plinthine (Caryophyllaceae). Taxon 43:45-50. Open Access
1990López González, G., Nieto Feliner, G. (1990). Comments on the taxonomic treatment of Arenaria section Plinthine (Caryophyllaceae) by D. J. Goyder. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 102(1):1-8. Open Access
Capítulos de libros
2013Sanmartín, I. (2013). Bayesian biogeography finds its roots.. In: Caujapé-Castells, J., Nieto Feliner, G., Fernández Palacios, J.M. (eds.) Proceedings of the Amurga international conferences on island biodiversity 2011. Fundación Canaria Amurga-Maspalomas. pp. 38-51. Open Access
2012Nieto Feliner, G., Rossello, J.A. (2012). Concerted Evolution of Multigene Families and Homoeologous Recombination. In: Wendel, J.F., Greilhuber, J., DolezelIlia, J., Leitch, J. (eds.). Plant Genome Diversity Volume 1 Plant Genomes, their Residents, and their Evolutionary Dynamics. Springer. pp. 171-193.
2013Nieto Feliner, G. (2013). Contribution of natural hybridization to plant evolution in oceanic islands (and elsewhere). Is a conceptual synthesis possible?. In: Caujapé-Castells, J., Nieto Feliner, G., Fernández Palacios, J.M. (eds.) Proceedings of the Amurga international conferences on island biodiversity 2011. Fundación Canaria Amurga-Maspalomas. pp. 124-132. Open Access
2011Nieto Feliner, G. (2011). La importancia y el papel de las barreras y fronteras entre especies en Biología. In: Andrés Díaz, R. (coord.). Lengua, ciencia y fronteras. Ed. Trabe. pp.335-347.
2019Nieto Feliner, G. (2019). Phalacrocarpum (DC) Willk.. In: Benedí, C., Buira, A., Rico, E., Crespo, M.B., Quintanar, A., Aedo, C. (eds.). Flora iberica. Vol. XVI (III), Compositae (partim). Editorial CSIC. pp.1932-1938. Open Access
2011Nieto Feliner, G. (2011). Cosas que la investigación puede hacer por la gestión y conservación de las especies vegetales y viceversa. In: Serra, L. (ed.). Jornadas Estatales de estudio y divulgación de la flora de los Parques Nacionales y Naturales. CAM, Alcoy. pp. 11-20. Open Access
2013Caujapé-Castells J., Nieto Feliner G., Fernández-Palacios J.M. (eds.) (2013). Proceedings of the Amurga international conferences on island biodiversity 2011.. Fundación Canaria Amurga-Maspalomas. Open Access
1993Castroviejo, S., Aedo, C., Gómez Campo, C., Laínz, M., Montserrat, P., Morales, R., Muñoz Garmendia, F., Nieto Feliner, G., Rico, E., Talavera, S., Villar, L. (eds.), Navarro, C., Fernández Arias, M.I.(cols.). (1993). Flora Iberica. Vol. IV. Cruciferae-Monotropaceae. Real Jardín Botánico. Editorial CSIC, Madrid.. Open Access
1997Castroviejo, S., Aedo, C., Laínz, M., Morales, R., Muñoz Garmendia, F., Nieto Feliner, G., Paiva, J. (eds.). (1997). Flora Iberica. Vol. V. Ebenaceae-Saxifragaceae. Real Jardín Botánico. Editorial CSIC, Madrid.. Open Access
1997Castroviejo, S., Aedo, C., Benedí, C., Laínz, M., Muñoz Garmendia, F., Nieto Feliner, G., Paiva, J. (eds.). (1997). Flora Iberica. Vol. VIII. Haloragaceae-Euphorbiaceae. Real Jardín Botánico. Editorial CSIC, Madrid.. Open Access
2003Castroviejo, S. (coord. gen.), Nieto Feliner, G., Jury, S.L., Herrero, A. (eds.). (2003). Flora Iberica. Vol. X. Araliaceae-Umbelliferae.. Real Jardín Botánico. Editorial CSIC, Madrid.. Open Access
2009Castroviejo, S. (coord. gen.), Nieto Feliner, G., Jury, S.L., Herrero, A. (eds.). (2009). Flora Iberica. Vol. XIII. Plantaginaceae-Scrophulariaceae.. Real Jardín Botánico. Editorial CSIC, Madrid.. Open Access

Filogenia, diversidad genética poblacional y eco-fisiología del complejo híbrido de mangle rojo (Rhizophora mangle y Rhizophora racemosa) en el Neotrópico.
Entidad financiadora: Fundación BBVA.
Duración, desde: 2009 hasta: 2011
Investigador responsable: Gonzalo Nieto Feliner

Niche conservatism and morphological evolution at the speciation crosspoint: an evodevo-phylogeographic study in the Malva generic alliance
Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (CGL2010-16138).
Duración, desde: 2011 hasta: 2014.
Investigador responsable: Javier Fuertes Aguilar

Transposable elements and plant evolution. A multilevel approach in non-model plant species (Proyecto coordinado)
Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CGL2013-49097-C2-1-P)
Duración: 1/1/2014- 31/12/2016
Investigador responsable: Gonzalo Nieto Feliner

Deciphering sYmbiotic Networks in cArob-based MedIterranean agro-eCosystems (DYNAMIC)
Entidad financiadora: Agencie Nationale de la Recherche ANR (14-CE02-0016)
Duración: 2015-2019.
Investigador responsable: Hervé Sanguin (Univ. Montpellier)

Papel de la hibridación natural en la evolución de las plantas: reduciendo la brecha entre los modelos teóricos y los datos empíricos
Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CGL2017-88500-P).
Duración: 1/1/2018- 31/12/2020.
Investigador responsable: Gonzalo Nieto Feliner

Hibridación como motor de alteración de la biodiversidad en la era de cambio global: una perspectiva experimental y predictiva del fenómeno
Entidad financiadora: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. Ayudas a la investigación en la Red de Parques Nacionales 2017 (2415)
Duración: 2020 - 2022.
Investigador responsable: Mohamed Abdelaziz

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