Carlos Lado Rodríguez

Investigador Científico.
Especialidad: Sistemática y Biodiversidad de Protistas, Mycetozoa (Myxomycota)

Mis líneas de investigación se centran en la Biosistemática y la Ecología de hongos mucilaginosos (Myxomycota = Eumycetozoa), con especial atención hacia su taxonomía, nomenclatura, morfogénesis, análisis estructural y su distribución en ecosistemas terrestres.

Artículos científicos
2024Jiménez-Mejías, P., Manzano, S., Gowda, V., Krell, F.T., Lin, M.Y., Martín-Bravo, S., Martín-Torrijos, L., Nieto Feliner, G., Mosyakin, S.L., Naczi, R.F.C., Acedo, C., Álvarez, I., Crisci, J.V., Luceño Garcés, M., Manning, J., Moreno Saiz, J.C., Muasya, A.M., Riina, R., Sánchez Meseguer, A., Sánchez-Mata, D. and 1543 additional coauthors (2024). Protecting stable biological nomenclatural systems enables universal communication: A collective international appeal. BioScience [in press]. Open Access
2024Lado, C. & Wrigley de Basanta, D. (2024). The type material in the David W. Mitchell myxomycete collection at the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew. Phytotaxa 649(2):135-158. DOI
2023Muñuico, J.W., Treviño-Zevallos, I.F., Lado C. (2023). Adiciones a la mixobiota de la selva central de Perú: nuevos registros y primera cita de Craterium roseum (Physarales, Myxomicetes, Amoebozoa). Folia Amazonica 32(2):e32725. Open Access
2023Hyde, K.D. et al. (2023). Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa. Mycosphere 14(1):1960-2012. Open Access
2023Wrigley de Basanta, D., de Mier, C., Lado, C. (2023). A taxonomic revision of the species of Licea subg. Licea (Myxomycetes). Phytotaxa 629(2):95-128. DOI
2023Treviño-Zevallos, I., García-Cunchillos, I., Wrigley de Basanta, D., Lado, C. (2023). Diversity of Myxomycetes from Peru Part III: The high Andes and the altiplano. Phytotaxa 624(1):1-92. DOI
2023García-Martín, J.M., Zamora, J.C., Lado, C. (2023). Multigene phylogeny of the order Physarales (Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa): shedding light on the dark-spored clade. Persoonia 51:89-124. Open Access
2023Zamora, J.C., García-Martín, J.M., Lado, C. (2023). (2955) Proposal to conserve the name Didymium against Mucilago and Spumaria (Physarales, Myxomycetes). Taxon 72(3):663-664. Open Access
2022García-Cunchillos, I., Zamora, J.C., Ryberg, M., Lado, C. (2022). Phylogeny and evolution of morphological structures in a highly diverse lineage of fruiting-body-forming amoebae, order Trichiales (Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 177:107609. Open Access
2022Lado, C., Treviño-Zevallos, I., García-Martín , J.M., Wrigley de Basanta, D. (2022). Diachea mitchellii: A new myxomycete species from high elevation forests in the tropical Andes of Peru. Mycologia 114(4):798-811. Open Access
2021Cavender, J.C., Landolt, J.C., Vadell, E.M., Perrigo, A.L., Stephenson, S.L., De Basanta, D.W., Lado, C., Liu, P. (2021). Distribution and ecology of dictyostelids in Madagascar. Phytotaxa 505(2):176-186. DOI
2021García-Cunchillos, I., Estébanez, B., Lado, C. (2021). New Approach to the Ultrastructure of the Capillitium in the Order Trichiales (Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa) and its Phylogenetic Implications. Protist 172(2):125805. DOI
2021García-Cunchillos, I., Estébanez, B., Lado, C. (2021). Spore ultrastructural features and significance of their diverse ornamentalelements in the evolutionary history of the order Trichiales (Myxomycetes,Amoebozoa). European Journal of Protistology 81:125839. DOI
2021Janik, P., Szczepaniak, M., Lado, C., Ronikier, A. (2021). Didymium pseudonivicola: A new myxomycete from the austral Andes emerges from broad-scale morphological and molecular analyses of D. nivicola collections. Mycologia 113(6);1327-1342. DOI
2021Treviño-Zevallos, I., García-Cunchillos, I., Lado, C. (2021). New records of Myxomycetes (Amoebozoa) from the tropical Andes. Phytotaxa 522(3):231-239. DOI
2020Janik, P., Lado, C., Ronikier, A. (2020). Range-wide Phylogeography of a Nivicolous Protist Didymium nivicola Meyl. (Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa): Striking Contrasts Between the Northern and the Southern Hemisphere. Protist 171(6):125771. DOI
2020Knight, K.J., Lado, C. (2020). Clastoderma confusum (Myxomycetes: Amoebozoa), a remarkable new species of slime mould from Western Australia. Nuytsia 31:35-40. Open Access
2020Ronikier, A., García-Cunchillos, I., Janik, P., Lado, C. (2020). Nivicolous Trichiales from the austral Andes: unexpected diversity including two new species. Mycologia 112(4):753-780. DOI
2020Siquier, J.L., Salom, J.C., Lado, C., Olariaga, I., Espinosa, J., Serra, A., Planas, J., Llistosella, J. (2020). Notes corològiques sobre la funga de les Pitiüses - Eivissa i Formentera. V. (Illes Balears, Espanya). Revista Catalana de Micologia 41:55-86. Open Access
2020Treviño-Zevallos, I.F., Lado, C. (2020). Myxomycete diversity in a humid montane forest on the eastern slopes of the peruvian andes. Plant Ecology and Evolution 153(3):390-398. Open Access
2020Treviño-Zevallos, I.F., Lado, C. (2020). New records of myxomycetes from Peru. Check List 16(2):253-264. Open Access
2019García-Martín, J.M., Zamora, J.C., Lado, C. (2019). Evidence of Intra-individual SSU Polymorphisms in Dark-spored Myxomycetes (Amoebozoa). Protist 170(5):125681. DOI
2019Lado, C., Palancar, H. (2019). Contribución de Miguel Oltra a la colección de Myxomycetes del herbario MA-Fungi del Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid. Butlletí Societat Micològica Valenciana 23:107-129. Open Access
2019Lado, C., Ribes, M. Á., Moreno, J.F. (2019). First records of Tubifera microsperma (Myxomycetes) in continental zone of the Mediterranean region. Nova Hedwigia 109(3-4):425-433. DOI
2019Stephenson, S.L., Wrigley de Basanta, D., Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A., Darrah, R. (2019). Myxomycete biodiversity revealed in the Namib desert. South African Journal of Botany 124:402-413. DOI
2019Wrigley de Basanta, D., Estrada-Torres, A., Lado, C. (2019). Licea aurea a new Myxomycete from the Peruvian Andes. Phytotaxa 391(3):218-224. DOI
2018García-Martín, J.M., Mosquera, J., Lado, C. (2018). Morphological and molecular characterization of a new succulenticolous Physarum (Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa) with unique polygonal spores linked in chains. European Journal of Protistology 63:13-25. DOI
2018Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A., Rojas, C. (2018). New records of genera and species of Myxomycetes (Amoebozoa) from the Neotropics. Check List 14(3):509-518. Open Access
2018Lado, C., Rojas, C. (2018). Diversity patterns, ecological associations and future of research on Costa Rican myxomycetes. Mycology 9(4):250-263. Open Access
2018Lado, C., Wrigley de Basanta, D. (2018). Typification of the myxomycete taxa described by the Listers and preserved at the Natural History Museum, London (BM). Phytotaxa 341(1):1-83. DOI
2018Rojas, C., Rojas, P.A., Lado, C. (2018). Myxomycete diversity in Costa Rica. Mycosphere 9(2):227-255. Open Access
2018Sheikh, S., Thulin, M., Cavender, J.C., Escalante, R., Kawakami, S.I., Lado, C., Landolt, J.C., Nanjundiah, V., Queller, D.C., Strassmann, J.E., Spiegel, F.W., Stephenson, S.L., Vadell, E.M., Baldauf, S.L. (2018). A new classification of the Dictyostelids. Protist 169(1):1-28. DOI
2018Wrigley de Basanta, D., Estrada-Torres, A., García-Cunchillos, I., Cano Echevarría, A., Lado, C. (2018). Didymium azorellae, a new myxomycete from cushion plants of cold arid areas of South America. Mycologia 109(6):993-1002. DOI
2018Zamora, J.C., Svensson, M., Kirschner, R., Olariaga, I., Ryman, S., Parra, L.A., Geml, J., Rosling, A., Adamcík, S., Ahti, T., Aime, M.C., Ainsworth, A.M., Albert, L., Albertó, E., Altés García, A., Ageev, D., Agerer, R., Aguirre-Hudson, B., Ammirati, J., Andersson, H., Angelini, C., Antonín, V., Aoki, T., Aptroot, A., Argaud, D., Arguello Sosa, B.I., Aronsen, A., Arup, U., Asgari, B., Assyov, B., Atienza, V., Bandini, D., Baptista-Ferreira, J.L., Baral, H., Baroni, T., Weingart Barreto, R., Beker, H., Bell, A., Bellanger, J., Bellù, F., Bemmann, M., Bendiksby, M., Bendiksen, E., Bendiksen, K., Benedek, L., Béresová-Guttová, A., Berger, F., Berndt, R., Bernicchia, A., Biketova, A.Y., Bizio, E., Bjork, C., Boekhout, T., Boertmann, D., Böhning, T., Boittin, F., Boluda, C.G., Boomsluiter, M.W., Borovicka, J., Brandrud, T.E., Braun, U., Brodo, I., Bulyonkova, T., Burdsall Jr., H.H., Buyck, B., Burgaz, A.R., Calatayud, V., Callac, P., Campo, E., Candusso, M., Capoen, B., Carbó, J., Carbone, M., Castañeda-Ruiz, R.F., Castellano, M.A., Chen, J., Clerc, P., Consiglio, G., Corriol, G., Courtecuisse, R., Crespo, A., Cripps, C., Crous, P.W., da Silva, G.A., da Silva, M., Dam, M., Dam, N., Dämmrich, F., Das, K., Davies, L., De Crop, E., De Kesel, A., De Lange, R., De Madrignac Bonzi, B., dela Cruz, T.E.E., Delgat, L., Demoulin, V., Desjardin, D.E., Diederich, P., Dima, B., Dios, M.M., Divakar, P.K., Douanla-Meli, C., Douglas, B., Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Dyer, P.S., Eberhardt, U., Ertz, D., Esteve-Raventós, F., Etayo Salazar, J.A., Evenson, V., Eyssartier, G., Farkas, E., Favre, A., Fedosova, A.G., Filippa, M., Finy, P., Flakus, A., Fos, S., Fournier, J., Fraiture, A., Franchi, P., Franco Molano, A.E., Friebes, G., Frisch, A., Fryday, A., Furci, G., Galán Márquez, R., Garbelotto, M., García-Martín, J.M., García Otálora, M.A., García Sánchez, D., Gardiennet, A., Garnica, S., Garrido Benavent, I., Gates, G., Gerlach, A.C.L., Ghobad-Nejhad, M., Gibertoni, T.B., Grebenc, T., Greilhuber, I., Grishkan, B., Groenewald, J.Z., Grube, M., Gruhn, G., Gueidan, C., Gulden, G., Gusmão, L.F., Hafellner, J., Hairaud, M., Halama, M., Hallenberg, N., Halling, R.E., Hansen, K., Harder, C.B., Heilmann-Clausen, J., Helleman, S., Henriot, A., Hernandez Restrepo, M., Herve, R., Hobart, C., Hoffmeister, M., Høiland, K., Holec, J., Holien, H., Hughes, K., Hubka, V., Huhtinen, S., Ivancevic, B., Jagers, M., Jaklitsch, W., Jansen, A., Jayawardena, R.S., Jeppesen, T.S., Jeppson, M., Johnston, P., Jørgensen, P.M., Kärnefelt, I., Kalinina, L.B., Kantvilas, G., Karadelev, M., Kasuya, T., Kautmanová, I., Kerrigan, R.W., Kirchmair, M., Kiyashko, A., Knapp, D.G., Knudsen, H., Knudsen, K., Knutsson, T., Kolarík, M., Kõljalg, U., Kosuthová, A., Koszka, A., Kotiranta, H., Kotkova, V., Koukol, O., Kout, J., Kovács, G.M., Kríz, M., Kruys, Å., Kucera, V., Kudzma, L., Kuhar, F., Kukwa, M., Arun Kumar, T.K., Kunca, V., Kusan, I., Kuyper, T.W., Lado, C., Læssøe, T., Lainé, P., Langer, E., Larsson, E., Larsson, K., Laursen, G., Lechat, C., Lee, S., Lendemer, J.C., Levin, L., Lindemann, U., Lindström, H., Liu, X., Llarena Hernandez, R.C., Llop, E., Locsmándi, C., Lodge, D.J., Loizides, M., Lökös, L., Luangsa-ard, J., Lüderitz, M., Lumbsch, T., Lutz, M., Mahoney, D., Malysheva, E., Malysheva, V., Manimohan, P., Marin-Felix, Y., Marques, G., Martínez-Gil, R., Marson, G., Mata, G., Matheny, P.B., Mathiassen, G.H., Matocec, N., Mayrhofer, H., Mehrabi, M., Melo, I., Mesic, A., Methven, A.S., Miettinen, O., Millanes Romero, A.M., Miller, A.N., Mitchell, J.K., Moberg, R., Moreau, P., Moreno, G., Morozova, O., Morte, A., Muggia, L., Muñoz González, G., Myllys, L., Nagy, I., Nagy, L.G., Neves, M.A., Niemelä, T., Nimis, P.L., Niveiro, N., Noordeloos, M.E., Nordin, A., Noumeur, S.R., Novozhilov, Y., Nuytinck, J., Ohenoja, E., Oliveira Fiuza, P., Orange, A., Ordynets, A., Ortiz-Santana, B., Pacheco, L., PálFám, F., Palacio, M., Palice, Z., Papp, V., Pärtel, K., Pawlowska, J., Paz, A., Peintner, U., Pennycook, S., Liparini Pereira, O., Pérez Daniëls, P., Pérez-De-Gregorio Capella, M.À., Pérez del Amo, C.M., Pérez Gorjón, S., Pérez-Ortega, S., Pérez-Vargas, I., Perry, B.A., Petersen, J.H., Petersen, R.H., Pfister, D.H., Phukhamsakda, C., Piatek, M., Piepenbring, M., Pino-Bodas, R., Pinzón Esquivel, J.P., Pirot, P., Popov, E.S., Popoff, O., Prieto Álvaro, M., Printzen, C., Psurtseva, N., Purahong, W., Quijada, L., Rambold, G., Ramírez, N.A., Raja, H., Raspé, O., Raymundo, T., Réblová, M., Rebriev, Y.A., Reyes García, J. D., Ribes Ripoll, M.Á., Richard, F., Richardson, M.J., Rico, V.J., Robledo, G.L., Rodrigues Barbosa, F., Rodriguez-Caycedo, C., Rodriguez-Flakus, P., Ronikier, A., Rubio Casas, L., Rusevska, K., Saar, G., Saar, I., Salcedo, I., Salcedo Martínez, S.M., Salvador Montoya, C.A., Sánchez Ramírez, S., Sandoval-Sierra, J.V., Santamaria, S., Santana Monteiro, J., Schroers, H.J., Schulz, B., Schmidt-Stohn, G., Schumacher, T., Senn-Irlet, B., Sevcíková, H., Shchepin, O., Shirouzu, T., Shiryaev, A., Siepe, K., Sir, E.B., Sohrabi, M., Soop, K., Spirin, V., Spribille, T., Stadler, M., Stalpers, J., Stenroos, S., Suija, A., Sunhede, S., Svantesson, S., Svensson, S., Svetasheva, T.Y., Swierkosz, K., Tamm, H., Taskin, H., Taudière, A., Tedebrand, J., Tena Lahoz, R., Temina, M., Thell, A., Thines, M., Thor, G., Thüs, H., Tibell, L., Tibell, S., Timdal, E., Tkalcec, Z., Tønsberg, T., Trichies, G., Triebel, D., Tsurykau, A., Tulloss, R.E., Tuovinen, V., Ulloa Sosa, M., Urcelay, C., Valade, F., Valenzuela Garza, R., van den Boom, P., van Vooren, N., Vasco-Palacios, A.M., Vauras, J., Velasco Santos, J.M., Vellinga, E., Verbeken, A., Vetlesen, P., Vizzini, A., Voglmayr, H., Volobuev, S., von Brackel, W., Voronina, E., Walther, G., Watling, R., Weber, E., Wedin, M., Weholt, Ø., Westberg, M., Yurchenko, E., Zehnálek, P., Zhang, H., Zhurbenko, M.P., Ekman, S. (2018). Considerations and consequences of allowing DNA sequence data as types of fungal taxa. IMA Fungus 9(1):167-175. Open Access
2017Dagamac N.H.A., Novozhilov Y.K., Stephenson S.L., Lado C., Rojas C., dela Cruz T.E.E., Unterseher M., Schnittler M. (2017). Biogeographical assessment of myxomycete assemblages from Neotropical and Asian Palaeotropical forests. Journal of Biogeography 44(7):1524-1536. DOI
2017Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A., de Basanta, D.W., Schnittler, M., Stephenson, S.L. (2017). A rapid biodiversity assessment of myxomycetes from a primary tropical moist forest of the Amazon basin in Ecuador. Nova Hedwigia 104(1-3):293-321. DOI
2016Pando F., Dueñas M., Lado C., Telleria M.T. (2016). The Flora Mycologica Iberica Project fungi occurrence dataset. MycoKeys 15:59-72. Open Access
2015Araújo, J.C., Lado, C., Xavier-Santos, S. (2015). Perichaena calongei (Trichiales): a new record of Myxomycetes from Brazil. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology 5(4):357-361. Open Access
2015Estrada-Torres, A., Wrigley-De Basanta, D., Lado, C., Rodríguez-Palma, M.M. (2015). Cornuvia (Myxomycetes: Trichiales), a new genus for Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 86(1):9-13. Open Access
2015Oltra, M., Lado, C. (2015). Nuevos registros de Myxomycetes ibéricos conservados en el herbario del Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid (MA-Fungi). I.. Boletín Sociedad Micológica Madrid 39:101-127.
2015Rojas, C., Lado, C., Valverde, R. (2015). First record of the myxomycete genus Colloderma in Central America. Check List 11(4):1716. Open Access
2015Ronikier, A., Lado, C. (2015). Nivicolous Stemonitales from the Austral Andes: Analysis of morphological variability, distribution and phenology as a first step toward testing the large-scale coherence of species and biogeographical properties. Mycologia 107(2):258-283. DOI
2015Wrigley, D.W., Lado, C., García-Martín, J.M., Estrada-Torres, A. (2015). Didymium xerophilum, a new myxomycete from the tropical Andes. Mycologia 107(1):157-168. DOI
2014Aguilar, M., Fiore-Donno, A.-M., Lado, C., Cavalier-Smith, T. (2014). Using environmental niche models to test the 'everything is everywhere' hypothesis for badhamia. ISME Journal 8(4):737-745. DOI
2014Lado, C., de Basanta, D.W., Estrada-Torres, A., García-Carvajal, E. (2014). Myxomycete diversity of the Patagonian Steppe and bordering areas in Argentina. Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid 71(1):e006. Open Access
2014Lado, C., Hernández, J.C. (2014). an online nomenclatural information system of Eumycetozoa (version Dec 2013). In: Roskov, Y. et al. (eds.). Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life, 2014 Annual Checklist .Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands. Species 2000: Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands
2013Estrada-Torres, A., Wrigley De Basanta, D., Lado, C. (2013). Biogeographic patterns of the myxomycete biota of the Americas using a parsimony analysis of endemicity. Fungal Diversity 59:159-177. DOI
2013Lado, C., Wrigley De Basanta, D., Estrada-Torres, A., Stephenson, S.L. (2013). The biodiversity of myxomycetes in central Chile. Fungal Diversity 59:3-32. DOI
2013Ronikier, A., Lado, C. (2013). Physarum andinum, a new nivicolous species of myxomycete from the patagonian andes. Mycologia 105:162-171. DOI
2013Ronikier, A., Lado, C., De Basanta, D.W. (2013). Perichaena megaspora, a new nivicolous species of myxomycete from the andes. Mycologia 105:938-944. DOI
2013Wrigley De Basanta, D., Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A., Stephenson, S.L. (2013). Biodiversity studies of myxomycetes in Madagascar. Fungal Diversity 59:55-83. DOI
2012Aguilar, M., Lado, C. (2012). Check-list of microscopic protosteloid amoebae from the Southwest of Europe.. Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid 69(2):217-236. Open Access
2012Aguilar, M., Lado, C. (2012). Ecological niche models reveal the importance of climate variability for the biogeography of protosteloid amoebae. ISME Journal 6:1506-1514. DOI
2012Calonge, F.D., Lado, C. (2012). Tulostoma submembranaceum (Agaricales, Basidiomycota), a new record to Africa found in Madagascar.. Nova Hedwigia 94(3-4):521-524. DOI
2012Wrigley de Basanta, D., Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A. (2012). Description and life cycle of a new Physarum (Myxomycetes) from the Atacama Desert in Chile. Mycologia 104:1206-1212. DOI
2011Aguilar, M., Lado, C. (2011). Biogeography of protosteloid amoebae: An ecological point of view. Journal of Phycology 47(S2):46. DOI
2011Aguilar, M., Spiegel, F.W., Lado, C. (2011). Microhabitat and Climatic Preferences of Protosteloid Amoebae in a Region with a Mediterranean Climate. Microbial Ecology 62:361-373. DOI
2011de Basanta, D.W., Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A. (2011). Spore to spore culture of Didymium operculatum, a new myxomycete from the Atacama Desert of Chile. Mycologia 103:895-903. DOI
2011Lado, C. (2011). The nomenclatural status of the genus Tubifera (Myxomycetes). Taxon 60:221-222. DOI
2011Lado, C., de Basanta, D.W., Estrada-Torres, A. (2011). Biodiversity of myxomycetes from the Monte Desert of Argentina. Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid 68:61-95. Open Access
2011Romeralo, M., Moya-Laraño, J., Lado, C. (2011). Social Amoebae: Environmental Factors Influencing Their Distribution and Diversity Across South-Western Europe. Microbial Ecology 61:154-165. DOI
2010Beltrán-Tejera, E., Mosquera, J., Lado, C. (2010). Myxomycete diversity from arid and semiarid zones of the Canary Islands (Spain). Mycotaxon 113:439-442. DOI
2010de Basanta, D.W., Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A. (2010). Licea eremophila, a new myxomycete from arid areas of South America. Mycologia 102:1185-1192. DOI
2010de Basanta, D.W., Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A., Stephenson, S.L. (2010). Biodiversity of myxomycetes in subantarctic forests of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Nova Hedwigia 90:45-79. DOI
2010Lado, C., Hernández-Crespo, J.C. (2010). Nomenclatural Database of Eumycetozoa (Myxomycota). Oct 2008 version. Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life :-. DOI
2010Ronikier, A., Lado, C., Meyer, M., de Basanta, D.W. (2010). Two new species of nivicolous Lamproderma (Myxomycetes) from the mountains of Europe and America. Mycologia 102:718-728. DOI
2009de Basanta, D.W., Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A., Stephenson, S.L. (2009). Description and life cycle of a new Didymium (Myxomycetes) from arid areas of Argentina and Chile. Mycologia 101(5):707-716. DOI
2009Lado, C., de Basanta, D.W., Estrada-Torres, A., Carvajal, E.G., Aguilar, M., Hernández-Crespo, J.C. (2009). Description of a new species of Perichaena (Myxomycetes) from arid areas of Argentina [Descripción de una nueva especie de Perichaena (Myxomycetes) encontrada en zonas áridas de Argentina]. Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid 66(SUPPL. 1):63-70. Open Access
2009Lado, C., Ronikier, A. (2009). Nivicolous myxomycetes from the pyrenees: Notes on the taxonomy and species diversity. part 2. stemonitales. Nova Hedwigia 89(1-2):131-145. DOI
2008de Andrade Bezerra, M.D.F., Bezerra, A.C.C., Nunes, A.T., Lado, C., de Holanda Cavalcanti, L. (2008). Myxobiota of Serra de Itabaiana National Park, Sergipe state, Brazil: Physarales [Mixobiota do Parque Nacional Serra de Itabaiana, SE, Brasil: Physarales]. Acta Botanica Brasilica 22(4):1044-1056. Open Access
2008de Basanta, D.W., Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A. (2008). Morphology and life cycle of a new species of Didymium (Myxomycetes) from arid areas of Mexico. Mycologia 100(6):921-929. DOI
2008Lado, C., de Basanta, D.W. (2008). A review of Neotropical myxomycetes (1828-2008). Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid 65(2):211-254. Open Access
2008Lado, C., Ronikier, A. (2008). Nivicolous myxomycetes from the Pyrenees: Notes on taxonomy and species diversity. Part 1. Physarales and Trichiales. Nova Hedwigia 87(3-4):337-360. DOI
2008Romeralo, M., Lado, C. (2008). The biodiversity of dictyostelids in a Spanish biosphere reserve. Nova Hedwigia 87(1-2):247-259. DOI
2007Aguilar, M., Lado, C., Spiegel, F.W. (2007). Protostelids from deciduous forests: first data from southwestern Europe. Mycological Research 111(7):863-872. DOI
2007Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A., Stephenson, S.L. (2007). Myxomycetes collected in the first phase of a north-south transect of Chile. Fungal Diversity 25:81-101.
2007Romeralo, M., Escalante, R., Sastre, L., Lado, C. (2007). Molecular systematics of Dictyostelids: 5.8S ribosomal DNA and internal transcribed spacer region analyses. Eukaryotic Cell 6(1):110-116. Open Access
2007Romeralo, M., Fiz-Palacios, O., Lado, C., Cavender, J.C. (2007). A new concept for Dictyostelium sphaerocephalum based on morphology and phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region sequences. Canadian Journal of Botany 85(1):104-110. Open Access
2006Romeralo, M., Lado, C. (2006). Dictyostelids from Mediterranean forests of the south of Europe. Mycological Progress 5(4):231-241. DOI
2005Estrada-Torres, A., Gaither, T.W., Miller, D.L., Lado, C., Keller, H.W. (2005). The myxomycete genus Schenella: Morphological and DNA sequence evidence for synonymy with the gasteromycete genus Pyrenogaster. Mycologia 97(1):139-149. DOI
2004Beltrán, E., Lado, C., Barrera, J., González, E. (2004). Myxomycetes diversity in the laurel forest of Garajonay National Park (Canary Islands, Spain). Systematics and Geography of Plants 74(1):159-173.
2004Lado, C. (2004). Nivicolous myxomycetes of the Iberian Peninsula: Considerations on species richness and ecological requirements. Systematics and Geography of Plants 74(1):143-157.
2004Stephenson, S.L., Schnittler, M., Lado, C. (2004). Ecological characterization of a tropical myxomycete assemblage - Maquipucuna Cloud Forest Reserve, Ecuador. Mycologia 96(3):488-497. DOI
2004Stephenson, S.L., Schnittler, M., Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A., de Basanta, D.W., Landolt, J.C., Novozhilov, Y.K., Clark, J., Moore, D.L., Spiegel, F.W. (2004). Studies of neotropical mycetozoans. Systematics and Geography of Plants 74(1):87-108.
2003Estrada-Torres, A., Ramírez-Ortega, J.M., Lado, C. (2003). Calonema foliicola a new myxomycete from Mexico. Mycologia 95(2):354-359. DOI
2003Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A., Stephenson, S.L., Wrigley de Basanta, D., Schnittler, M. (2003). Biodiversity assessment of myxomycetes from two tropical forest reserves in Mexico. Fungal Diversity 12:67-110.
2003Martín, M.P., Lado, C., Johansen, S. (2003). Primers are designed for amplification and direct sequencing of ITS region of rDNA from myxomycetes. Mycologia 95(3):474-479. DOI
2003Martín, M.P., Lado, C., Johansen, S. (2003). Primers are designed for amplification and direct sequencing of ITS region of rDNA from myxomycetes. Mycologia 95(3):474-479. DOI
2002Mosquera, J., Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A., Tejera, E.B., de Basanta, D.W. (2002). Description and culture of a new myxomycete, Licea succulenticola.. Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid 60(1):3-10. Open Access
2002Rodríguez-Palma, M., Varela-García, A., Lado, C. (2002). Corticolous myxomycetes associated with four tree species in México. Mycotaxon 81:345-355.
2002Schnittler, M., Lado, C., Stephenson, S.L. (2002). Rapid biodiversity assessment of a tropical myxomycete assemblage - Maquipucuna Cloud Forest Reserve, Ecuador. Fungal Diversity 9:135-167.
2001Estrada-Torres, A., Lado, C., Rodríguez-Palma, M. (2001). Two new species of Myxomycetes from a tropical deciduous forest of Mexico. Mycologia 93(4):744-750. DOI
2000Mosquera, J., Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A., Beltrán Tejera, E. (2000). Trichia perichaenoides, a new myxomycete associated with decaying succulent plants. Mycotaxon 75:319-328.
2000Mosquera, J., Lado, C., Tejera, E.B. (2000). Morphology and ecology of Didymium subreticulosporum. Mycologia 92(5):978-983. DOI
2000Schnittler, M., Lado, C., Stephenson, S.L. (2000). Rapid biodiversity assessment of a tropical myxomycete assemblage - Maquipucuna Cloud Forest Reserve, Ecuador. Water Resources Management 14(1):135-167.
1999Lado, C., Rodríguez-Palma, M., Estrada-Torres, A. (1999). Myxomycetes from a seasonal tropical forest on the pacific coast of Mexico. Mycotaxon 71:307-321.
1998Lado, C., Pando, F., Rico, V.J. (1998). The nomenclatural status of Reticularia (myxomycetes). Taxon 47(1):109-111. DOI
1998Lado, C., Teyssiere, M. (1998). Myxomycetes from Equatorial Guinea. Nova Hedwigia 67(3-4):421-441.
1996Checa, J., Barrasa, J.M., Martínez, A.T., Blanco, M.N., Lado, C. (1996). Bicornispora exophiala, a new genus and species of the Coryneliales and its black yeast anamorph. Mycological Research 100(4):500-504. DOI
Capítulos de libros
2022Lado, C. (2022). Foreword. In: Lado, C. (ed.) Descriptive, illustrated keys to the world's Myxomycetes by N.E. Nannenga-Bremekamp: a posthumous publication with foreword, annotations, updates and editing. Editorial CSIC. pp. XI-XXX. ISBN
2014Sandoval Leiva, P., Lado, C. (2014). Phylum Myxomycota. In: Hernández Palma, J. et al. (eds.). Biodiversidad terrestre de la región de Arica y Paricanota. Universidad de Chile. pp. 162-163.
2014Estades Marfán,C., Sandoval Leiva, P., Lado, C. (2014). Reino Protista. In: Hernández Palma, J. et al. (eds.). Biodiversidad terrestre de la región de Arica y Paricanota. Universidad de Chile. pp. 160-163.
2017Lado, C., Eliasson, U. (2017). Taxonomy and Systematics: Current Knowledge and Approaches on the Taxonomic Treatment of Myxomycetes.. In: Stephenson, S.L., Rojas. C. Myxomycetes: Biology, Systematics, Biogeography, and Ecology Elsevier. pp. 205-251. DOI
2022Lado, C., Eliasson, U. (2022). Taxonomy and Systematics: Current Knowledge and Approaches on the Taxonomic Treatment of Myxomycetes. In: Rojas, C., Stephenson, S.L. (eds.). Myxomycetes: Biology, Systematics, Biogeography and Ecology. Second Edition. Elsevier, pp. 205-251. Open Access
2022Lado, C. (ed.) (2022). Descriptive, illustrated keys to the world's Myxomycetes by N.E. Nannenga-Bremekamp: a posthumous publication with foreword, annotations, updates and editing. Editorial CSIC. ISBN
2020Lado, C., Rojas, C. (2020). Guía para el estudio de la taxonomía y ecología de Myxomycetes.Real Jardín Botánico (RJB) / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ; Universidad de Costa Rica. Open Access
2014Lado, C., Siquier,J.L. (2014). Myxomycetes de las Islas Baleares. Catálogo de especies. Real Jardín Botánico (RJB) / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).
2022Treviño Zevallos, I.F., Lado, C. (2002). Myxomycetes de la Estación Biológica Wayqecha (Cusco-Perú). Instituto científico Michael Owen Dillon (IMOD), Arequipa, Perú. Open Access
1997Lado, C., Pando, F. (1997). Myxomycetes, I. Ceratiomyxales, Echinosteliales, Liceales, Trichiales.. Flora Mycologica Iberica. Vol. 2. J. Cramer ed..
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